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October 16, 2024    Jean Kilbourne

"How Women are Portrayed in Advertising"


Jean Kilbourne has a doctorate in education from Boston University. The Boston Globe describes her as a “superstar lecturer”. She is known for her wit, warmth and ability to present topics in a way that unites rather than divides. Her focus is on women in advertising, particularly gender stereotypes and the effects on a women’s self-image. In her lecture she will explore the relationship between the images we see in media to actual problems in today’s society.

Six Decades of Speakers

November 20, 2024            Brian Carpenter

"The Art of Aging"


Brian Carpenter is a Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging at Washington University in St. Louis. His projects aim to improve the quality of life for older adults.

He believes that the way you think about life impacts health, rate of aging and how long we live, He will break down the science of thought and tell us how mindset exerts an influence on physical health. We will leave the lecture with specific strategies that will improve the quality and length of our lives.

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March 19, 2025                         Jessica Payne 

"The Science of Sleep and Stress"


Jessica Payne is the Director of the Sleep, Stress and Memory Lab at Notre Dame University. She holds appointments at both the Harvard Medical School and the University of Notre Dame. Her lecture will address what is going on in your head while you sleep. Her research shows that the non-waking hours are valuable to memory retention and problem solving. She will outline all sortts of practical information on how to control your sleep habits to insure maximum productivity.


April 16, 2025                                    Kim Hess

"Seven Lessons from Seven Summits"


Kim Hess is a photographer, adventurer and writer. She embodies the power of a positive attitude. She has completed the Seven Summits, climbing the tallest mountain on each of the seven continents.

Through her entertaining tales from climbing the Seven Summits, Kim will illustrate a series of seven everyday lessons for life that are applicable to everyone.  

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Registration Form and Ticket Options
Patron Season Ticket (includes priority lecture seating)                                      $185
Regular Season Ticket                                                                         $165
Individual Program                                                                               $55
All tickets include program and lunch.

Click and Print Form


Checks Payable to: LIVONIA TOWN HALL

Livonia Town Hall, 37637 Five Mile Rd., #135, Livonia, MI 48154

Phone # 734-601-1413 (Please call between 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday)


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